1-Bit Dungeon 64 Updated to V1.2.

D64 and CRT File updated to Version 1.2, Front End Changes, Flash screen Colour kill detect, Game now has an Ending Screen rather than the Game Looping.

D64 has Hi-Score Load/Save, CRT has no Load/Save of Hi-Scores.

D64 Works on TheC64Maxi/Mini, C64 Emulator and SD2IEC on a Real C64.

CRT Works on TheC64Maxi/Mini, C64 Emulator and Kung Fu Flash Cartridge on a Real C64.


1-Bit-DungeonV1.2.zip 23 kB
Feb 24, 2021
1-BitDugeonV1.2-CRT.zip 24 kB
Feb 24, 2021

Get 1-Bit Dungeon 64 (C64)

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